e-mail: paolo.tosi@unitn.it
Position: Full Professor of Physics, Researcher ID A-4301-2009, http://orcid.org/0000-0003-2841-5876
Office Number: +39-0461-281557
Lab Number: +39-0461-281641
Postal Address: Dept. of Physics, University of Trento, via Sommarive 14, I-38123 Trento, ITALY
Paolo Tosi was born in Treviso, Italy, on January 26, 1956. He received his degree in Physics (cum laude) from the University of Padova in 1980 and, after military service from 1981-2 as an officer of the Alpine Troops, went on to study in Austria at the University of Innsbruck, receiving his PhD in 1985 for a thesis on ion-neutral collisions at low energies (supervisor Prof. W. Lindinger). In the course of these studies (1984), he was a visiting scientist in the Department of Chemistry of the University of Utah, USA (Supervisor Prof. J. Futrell).
From 1986 Dr Tosi has been a University Researcher in experimental physics. At present, he is professor of experimental physics at the University of Trento.
He directed the 1996 CNR National School of Atomic and Molecular Physics and the 1998 European Winter School on the Structure and Reactivity of Molecular Ions.
Member of:
- Steering Committee and Supervisory Board, European Training Network PIONEER, European Union's Horizon 2020.
- International Scientific Committee of Molec European Conference on Dynamics of Molecular Systems.
- International Committee of Molecular Beam Symposium.
- Comitato scientifico Centro di Eccellenza Plasma Prometeo Università di Milano-Bicocca.
- Member of the Evaluation Commission of the University of Trento (2001 - 2004).
The research activity of Paolo Tosi includes the following topics:
- reaction dynamics of molecular systems;
- structure and dynamics of ions;
- elementary mechanisms of chemical reactions;
- chemical physics of plasma for energetic and technological applications;
- Molecular astrophysics, astrochemistry and astrobiologyription.
Paolo Tosi is interested in furthering the public understanding of science, in defence of reason against superstition. He has written several articles for popular magazines and has given seminars on scientific issues for general audiences, some in collaboration with sceptical organizations such as CICAP http://www.cicap.org/.